Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy Lifestyle

Diet and Exercise

It is easier to learn and take care of yourself when you feel well.  Eat right, exercise, and get enough sleep.

Healthy Eating for Teens

Tips for Healthy Eating

Take an inventory of your diet and exercise habits.  Are you eating a healthy diet? Are you moving everyday?  Select one way to improve your nutrition and your physical health over the next week.  At the end of the week, reflect on how these changes made you feel.

Are you sleeping enough?

Write a tip sheet for getting a good night sleep. 


From CAMH:

Stress is a normal response to situational pressures or demands and is a part of everyday life. But chronic stress can lead to mental health problems and medical issues.

Reflect on the stress in your life:  Which of the stressors in your life do you control? Which stressors control you?  What makes you feel better when you are stressed? Check out the mini meditation below.